7 Ways to Maintain Heart Health

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Divine-styler.com|| 7 Ways to Maintain Heart Health: Until now, heart disease is the number 1 killer in the world. Patients with this disease often do not suspect that they have heart disease until the attack occurs. For that, we summarize 10 ways that we can maintain heart health so that we avoid coronary heart disease.

1. Exercise Routine

Exercise or at least doing light physical activity on a regular basis can help our heart to stay healthy. When we exercise (which starts with a proper warm-up, of course) the blood will be more profuse so that our blood vessels become more flexible. In addition, oxygen will be distributed to all parts of our body, making us fitter.

2. Maintaining a Healthy Diet

Watch your diet. What do you consume every day? Is it a healthy diet, or is it foods that are high in fat, salt, and sugar? One of the causes of heart disease is foods with high levels of fat and salt, such as fast food, smoked meats, sausages, and most foods that are processed by deep frying techniques. If you want your heart to be healthy, eat fresh foods such as vegetables, nuts, and salmon.

3. Maintain Ideal Body Weight

Maintaining an ideal weight will not only keep you healthy, but it will also make it easier for you to move around and look more attractive.

Limit eating or drinking that contains a lot of sugar and salt. Always control your weight by planning a healthy serving menu. There is a simple way to determine the ideal weight for you, namely by using the Broca Formula. Because men and women have different muscle mass, this formula created by Pierre Paul Broca is different for men and women too:

4. Measuring a man’s ideal weight:
(Height – 100) – (Height – 100) x 10%) = Male Ideal Weight

Example Measure the ideal weight of a man with a height of 180 cm.
(180 – 100) – (180 – 100) x 10%) = 72 kg.

5. Measuring a woman’s ideal weight:
(Height – 100) – (Height – 100) x 15 %) = Woman’s Ideal Weight

Example Measure the weight of a woman with a height of 155 cm.
(155-100) – (155-100) x 15%) = 40 kg.

Keep in mind that this formula is not always correct because there are many factors such as age and body proportions that also affect a person’s ideal weight, but this formula can be an estimate of your ideal weight.

6. Controlling Cholesterol Levels in the Blood

It also needs to be considered to maintain heart health is to control cholesterol levels in the blood. You can do this by doing blood checks regularly at the hospital or independently at home with various kits that are now widely sold in the market.

7. Diligently Drink Water

Did you know that diligently drinking water can reduce the risk of heart disease by 54% in men and 41% in women. This is because water can dissolve the salt content in the blood, thereby easing the work of the heart in pumping fresh blood throughout the body. In general, our body’s water needs can be checked by paying attention to our urine, if it is dark in color it means our body needs more water. Drinking 8 glasses of water per day is a trivial habit, but provides great benefits for our heart and body.

8. Quit smoking

The warnings on cigarette packs are not made without reason. According to WHO every year there are 1.9 million people who die from heart disease related to tobacco use.

Nicotine and carbon monoxide present in cigarettes not only damage the lungs, but are also very harmful to the human heart. If you want your heart to be healthy, quit smoking right now.

9. Enough rest

Not only does our heart work harder when we are deprived of nutrients and water, it is also greatly affected by stress levels and blood pressure.

When you push your body beyond its limits, there are many parts of your body that will be disturbed, especially the heart. Adequate rest will ensure that your metabolism is running optimally, your stress is better managed, and your blood pressure is normal.

Maintaining a healthy heart is something important. If you think you have a problem with your heart, immediately consult a doctor before it’s too late.

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